Electrization Technology

1. Meteorological processes are a consequence of electric state of atmosphere

Atmospheric Electricity

Meteorological Processes

2. Energy of Atmosphere is defined by its Electrical State

Energy enters Earth’s atmosphere through three channels

  1. Water Vapor Condensation in Aerosol Particles (48%)
  2. Absorption of Solar Radiation (43%)
  3. Thermal interaction with Earth’s surface (09%)

3. Mechanism of Aerosol formation

Molecule of water is a dipole

When water molecules are near elemental charge, and the energy of binding W is greater than heat energy (W > kT), the molecules enter into an interaction with charged particles to form aerosols

Research shows that the distance of performance of this inequality is 100x larger than the diameter of hydrogen atoms

Thus, electrons and ions are the main centers of condensation
of water vapor in the atmosphere

4. Formation of Aerosol particles releases Heat Energy

5. Electric state of the lower atmosphere can be controlled by ELAT stations

Adding electrons:
Increasing T° and pressure

Absorbing electrons:
Decreasing T° and pressure

6. Chain of atmospheric processes can be controlled by altering electric state

Change of Air Temperature

Change of Atmospheric Pressure

Meteorological Processes